

We understand the importance of preparing for the birth of your baby and being able to have some control in a situation that is mostly out of your control. We encourage participation in classes that will help you prepare for the birth in a setting that respects your privacy and allows you to be actively involved with decisions and preparation for the birth. We offer private birthing classes with a nurse or birth educator. Knowing what to expect can alleviate many fears during this time.


Fathers a Journaling from grieving fathers

Perinatal Hospice and Palliative Care ~ A Gift of Time


Hannah’s Prayer for infertility loss, pregnancy loss, early infant death and adoption loss

M.E.N.D. Mommies Eduring Neonatal Death

National Share personal stories and memorial

 Bereavement and Advance Care Planning Services


Ilse, Sherokee, and Nelson, Tim, Couple Communication After a Baby Dies.- Insight into the differences and similarities of men and women who grieve.

Nelson, Tim, A Father’s Story

Nelson, Tim,  A Guide for Father’s When a Baby Dies.


Lothrop, Hannah. Help, Comfort, and Hope: After Losing Your Baby in Pregnancy or the First Year. ( Munich: Da Capo Press, 1992.)

Wunnenberg, Kathe. Greiving the Child I Never Knew: A devotional companion for comfort in the loss of your unborn or newly born child. ( Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001.)

Nelson, Tim. A Guide for Fathers When a Baby Dies. (St. Paul, MN: Tim Nelson, 2004.)

Lister, Marcie and Lovell, Sandra. Healing Together For Couples Whose Baby Dies. (Omaha, NE: Centering Cooperation, 1991.)

Kuebelbeck, M.A, Amy Waiting with Gabriel: A Story of Cherishing a Baby’s Brief Life (Loyola Press, 2003)

Kuebelbeck, M.A, Amy and Davis, Ph.D., Deborah L. A Gift of Time: Continuing Your Pregnancy When Your Baby’s Life Is Expected to Be Brief (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011)