
Grandparents Grieving the Loss of a Grandchild

It is difficult for grandparents to see their child experiencing so much grief.  You are also grieving the loss of your grandchild but the grief your child is feeling as well.


It used to be that when a baby died, the parents were not able to hold or see the baby.  Often times the mother was told to forget and try to have another baby.  That has changed in recent years. In fact, studies have found that it is helpful for the grieving process if the family holds the baby.


How can you help your child?

  • If there are other siblings, offer to help keep the children on a normal schedule
  • Offer to help at home, do laundry, clean the house, cook meals
  • Listen. Talk with your child. Cry with your child.
  • Refer to the baby by name, don’t call the baby “it”
  • If you do not live close to your family, use technology to see and talk with them
  • Holidays can be particularly hard, try to do something special to honor your grandchild


Grieving Grandparents

 Recommended Reading

Bennett, Nina, Forgotten Tears: A Grandmother’s Journey Thourgh Grief